Why You Should Consider Investing With A Real Estate Investor

Why You Should Consider Investing With A Real Estate Investor

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There are multitudes of investment ideas and options available for everyone from the savviest of investors to the beginner. Each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. You may choose to invest more in a 401k, or maybe select a time deposit like a CD. There are plenty of other methods of investing money with the intent of receiving an ample return. One of those methods involves real estate investing.

Investing in real estate with real estate investors can become a solid retirement plan. Most Americans are terrible savers. In fact, the majority in the U.S. are negative savers, meaning they spend more than they earn. Many lack the financial discipline of saving even one percent of their monthly income and placing it in a solid investment resource like a 401k or IRA. Investing with a real estate investor is a little different. It is more of a commitment and when someone sees the benefits, they will be encouraged to continue doing so on a long-term basis.

When people invest with ORMACK Investments, they are investing in the purchase and rehab of homes that are sold at much higher rates than they are purchased for, providing for the opportunity for double digit returns to the investors. While having a secure investment as these investors get the benefit of being listed on the title. This means that investors are able to receive high rates return that are backed by the security of real estate.

A 401k offers great benefits such as investing dollars that are tax-free into a financial instrument that normally produces solid results. Another way to expand a portfolio and enjoy several tax benefits is by investing with a real estate investor. Some may be scared away because of the recent woes in the real estate market. Yes, the real estate industry as a whole took a huge hit in 2008 when the housing crisis ravaged the nation’s economy. Even so, there is much to gain by investing in today’s real estate market.

Working with professional real estate investors such as ORMACK Investments, can help you gain not only great returns that are usually at higher interest rates than banks or other investments can produce, but also several tax benefits. Beyond the opportunities with ORMACK Investments buying a rental property, can provide an investor with a source of tax-free cash flow. Accounting for depreciation and utilizing mortgage interest deductions, cash flow for a rental property should be tax free. Should the investor choose to sell the property for a profit, capital gains taxes will most likely apply. Professional Real estate investors like those at ORMACK Investments can help investors make decisions based upon their short- and long-term investment goals.

Whether the real estate market is still reeling or not does not matter. Investing with professionals in the industry can help guarantee success. The most successful of entrepreneurs almost always invest a portion of their portfolio in real estate to take advantage of the solid returns and the tax advantages.

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