Three Key Secrets to Selling a Home

Three Key Secrets to Selling a Home

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The real estate market has shown great progress toward recovery in the past year or two, but it’s still a buyer’s market out there, and if you are going to sell your home quickly (and get an offer that approximates your asking price), then you are going to have to play a strategic game. These three key tips are our favorite secrets for quick real estate sale turnaround.

Pay attention to the kitchen:

These days, most homeowners have to make sizable improvements and renovations in order to make their home attractive to sellers. Buyers simply don’t want to shoulder the costs of remodeling anymore. If you’ve got budget to burn, do a full-scale remodel of your home. You’ll get most of your money back by being able to push your asking price into a higher tier, and you will sell your house more quickly as well. If you have limited funds for renovations, however, a fresh coat of paint on the cabinets and new countertops can go a long way. A kitchen can make or break a house for many buyers, so having one that makes jaws drop could be the biggest secret to a seamless real estate selling process.

Boost the light:

Good lighting can at once make your home seem cleaner, friendlier, and more valuable to potential buyers. Bring in more lamps and use brighter bulbs during real estate showings, trim the trees and brush outside to let in more sunlight, and clean the windows to maximize the glow of the place. It all sounds trivial, but you will be amazed at how much fresher your home looks in full light.


Sell the façade:

In most cases, potential buyers have already made up their mind about a house when they walk through the door. With that in mind, make a point of buffing up the exterior of your home, the front yard, and even the driveway. Crisp pavement, beautiful flower arrangements, and a freshly painted exterior all go a long way when it comes to forming the kind of first impression that leads to a sale.

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