Portland’s Local Home Real Estate Marketing is Booming

Portland’s Local Home Real Estate Marketing is Booming

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If you are currently looking to buy or sell a home in Portland, Oregon, you are entering the real estate market at a great time. While the real estate industry throughout the country has been in shambles since the economic downturn of 2008, the market as a whole made incredibly promising strides since the upswing began in 2018, and few places felt those promising strides more heartily than the Pacific Northwest.

Indeed, the good news is there for everyone at this point in time. Selling a house? Home prices saw big jumps starting in 2013 and they have continued growing through 2018 after years of decline and stagnation and are continuing to increase at a healthy rate. Hoping to buy a new home for you and your family? Mortgage rates have rarely ever been lower. Add the fact that foreclosures and mortgage difficulties were less widespread in 2013 than they have been in years, and it’s hardly surprising that many buyers and sellers in Portland are finally feeling enough peace of mind to enter the real estate market again after extended hiatuses.

With springtime now in full swing and the summer only a month away, the real estate market right now is swarming with potential buyers. If you are looking for a new house in Portland, the number of other buyers you are up against can make the whole process complicated, stressful, and frustrating. In fact, for the first time in years, demand is high and supply is low in Portland’s home real estate market with inventories around only 2 months in many parts of town.  Which means that any buyer hoping to find their dream home is going to have to beat out some competition to get there.

If you need assistance in navigating Portland’s bustling home real estate market this spring or summer, consider contacting ORMACK Investments. As a real estate investor, we not only assist homeowners in selling their homes, but we also have a strong network we work with that can also help you to find the house you have been looking for, get pre-qualified for a mortgage, navigate credit problems, and more. Click here to learn more about us!

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