Home Remodeling and Decorating Tips for the Summer Season

Home Remodeling and Decorating Tips for the Summer Season

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At the moment, most of us are still the midst of doing spring cleaning chores in and around the house, from cleaning out the gutters and repainting the deck to planting flowers and fertilizing the lawn. However, while spring cleaning can go a long way to making your home look gorgeous and bright again, it’s also not too early to start thinking about the remodeling and decoration you want to do to turn your home into a summer party hub. Whether you’ve got family coming from out of town for a wedding celebration or just want to enjoy your own space more thoroughly, here are a few renovations and decorations you should consider for the year’s most glorious season.


  • Go for open concept: In the winter, close and snug spaces feel natural, but in the summer, they can quickly cramp your style. If you’ve been thinking of doing some renovations, an open-concept kitchen should absolutely be on your list. Big kitchen spaces with easy sightlines into the living room and dining room are all the rage right now, and for good reason: they make it so much easier to entertain. Adding a few extra windows around the house can only improve the openness of the space, while also bringing extra light and airflow to your home.
  • Push for the patio: Many homes have sizable front or back porches, decks, patios, or large lawn spaces that simply don’t get the use they deserve. Correct this issue during the summer by stocking up on patio furniture and moving your dining and living “room” spaces outdoors. If you don’t have a patio space, make building one your renovation project for the year. Other outdoor amenities, from a tiki bar to an outdoor shower, can enhance the patio experience and turn your home into a veritable resort-like atmosphere.
  • Take it to the beach: Nothing says summertime quite like a day at the beach, so why not bring the beach into your home? Decorating with seashells, driftwood, beach glass, and more can bring a pleasant summertime cottage feel to your home.
  • Inviting Landscape: With the warm weather you will want to spend more time outside.  You can create that inviting atmosphere with some simple landscape.  If your lawn is tired or dead you might want to consider planting sod for a quick instant turnaround of that space. If you want a less expensive option you will need to be a bit more patient and reseed the lawn or just the dead patches.  Either way those are easy DIY projects you can tackle on your own in a weekend. Now that you have your new beautiful lawn to enjoy add some color around the edges with a fresh layer of red or dark mulch/bark dust, colorful varieties of flowers and plants. Now my personal favorite is planting a vegetable garden.  This one gets the kids involved and there is something about cooking a fresh summer meal with food you grew yourself in your garden.

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