
Buying A Home Does Not Need To Be Difficult

Posted by Matt Ortiz // June 20, 2022

Home ownership is the definition of the American Dream, but the process of purchasing a home can be arduous and frustrating. For someone who has never bought a home in the past, the traditional route is an education in and of itself. First, there is dealing with a real estate agent, or agents, and then […]

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Three Key Secrets to Selling a Home

Posted by Matt Ortiz // May 30, 2022

The real estate market has shown great progress toward recovery in the past year or two, but it’s still a buyer’s market out there, and if you are going to sell your home quickly (and get an offer that approximates your asking price), then you are going to have to play a strategic game. These […]

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Home Remodeling and Decorating Tips for the Summer Season

Posted by Matt Ortiz // April 21, 2022

At the moment, most of us are still the midst of doing spring cleaning chores in and around the house, from cleaning out the gutters and repainting the deck to planting flowers and fertilizing the lawn. However, while spring cleaning can go a long way to making your home look gorgeous and bright again, it’s […]

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Real Estate Investors Can Help You Sell Your House

Posted by Matt Ortiz // February 12, 2022

With the bursting of the housing bubble in 2008, selling a home became much more difficult. Even six years later, those looking to sell their homes are experiencing troubles. What many may not realize, though, is there are real estate professionals who can help. These are not your typical real estate agents; these are seasoned […]

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Real Estate Lead Generation 101

Posted by Matt Ortiz // December 12, 2021

What are the best real estate lead generation options today? Where and how can real estate agents, investors and other related industry professionals generate more leads for buying, selling and renting properties? What are some of the little known benefits, and pitfalls of common real estate lead generation channels today? Here are 12 ways for real estate […]

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Real Estate Investing As A Business

Posted by Matt Ortiz // October 14, 2021

“Investment is most intelligent when most business like” – Warren Buffett If investing is better when conducted most business like, does it mean that more real estate investors ought to be investing in a more businesslike fashion? Should every real estate investor be investing as a business? What does that really mean? What does it look […]

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Technology vs. People Skills: Which Real Estate Strategies Will Win?

Posted by Matt Ortiz // July 18, 2021

The real estate industry caters to independent strategies. For every investor, there is another way to go about conducting business. Some may prefer to utilize the convenience of technology while others want to maintain personal relationships. However, for one reason or another, there remains a void between these two independent strategies. Smart investors will figure […]

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Housing Still The Best Investment Tool Of A Lifetime

Posted by Matt Ortiz // May 27, 2021

Many people are still wondering whether or not real estate is one of the best investment strategies for long-term wealth building. Is investing in homes still a smart investment for the average individual? Is a home still the best investment of a lifetime for most Americans? If so, why are some pessimists still questioning the rebound […]

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Portland’s Local Home Real Estate Marketing is Booming

Posted by Matt Ortiz // May 19, 2018

If you are currently looking to buy or sell a home in Portland, Oregon, you are entering the real estate market at a great time. While the real estate industry throughout the country has been in shambles since the economic downturn of 2008, the market as a whole made incredibly promising strides since the upswing […]

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Three Things to Know Before Investing in Real Estate

Posted by Matt Ortiz // March 7, 2018

As the real estate market continues to improve, property investing is becoming a popular pursuit once more. If you are looking to start investing in real estate for the first time, however, there are some things you are going to want to know beforehand. Read on for three core tips that will help you navigate […]

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