6 Great Home Improvements For Your Dollar

6 Great Home Improvements For Your Dollar

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Homeowners looking to improve their home, for whatever reason, will be surprised to know that these six projects are the best improvements for their dollar. Sure, you can spend a fortune on a kitchen upgrade or improving a bathroom, but to get the most for your money try these six improvements.

Have Your Front Door Replaced

Believe it or not, one of the first impressions of your home is the front door. Many people do not enter their homes through it, but your guests and, if you are selling, prospective buyers will. Upgrade it and set the tone for the rest of the house with a new front door.

Replace The Garage Door

You may enter your house more through the garage and, after years of use and wear and tear, a new garage door will recoup almost all of the investment. You can choose from all sorts of styles and even find doors that will make your home more energy-efficient.

Replace Your Windows

You will easily get your money back by investing in new windows. Newer, energy efficient windows will help you save on energy bills. Should you go to sell the home, the new windows will become a huge selling point.

 Build A Deck

Homeowners love outdoor living areas. You can easily build your own wooden deck that, essentially, adds another room to your home. If you are savvy enough to build the deck on your own, you will save even more and recoup more of your investment.

Add Some Space

Depending upon the configuration of your home, the addition of an extra room, preferably a bedroom or bathroom, will increase the value of your home. If you have attic space, for example, consider turning that area into an extra bedroom or an additional living area. If you ever sell the home, you will most likely recoup all of the costs associated with finishing the room.

Finish The Basement

If you have a home with an unfinished basement, consider finishing it. Install a full bathroom, keep some space for storage, and do yourself a favor and install a wet bar. If there is enough room, it might be possible to even add another bedroom. Regardless, in these days of entertaining, a finished basement is a necessity. When you go to sell the home, having those features in a finished basement will be a big plus to a prospective buyer.


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